Wednesday 15 February 2017

Education and Career Guidance (ECG)

Dear Parents,

Mr Teng Swee Hoe, our school's Education and Career Guidance (ECG) counsellor is keen to share with us on education and career guidance matters. 

We plan to invite Mr Teng to share with PSG on matters concerning education and career guidance during our next PSG meeting. 

For a start, he has provided a link to a Parents Booklet published by MOE. Perhaps you can read it and start thinking about possible questions you might have in the area of ECG. We can share these questions during the meeting.

Marriage Convention 2017

Dear Parents,

The following information is from the Ministry of Social and Family Development : (Parents who are interested can apply online directly).

Date: 11- 12 March (Saturday & Sunday

Venue: Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre. 

Please refer to , or  for the programme schedule.

Tickets are priced at $12/individual (per session) and $16/couple (per session).

 Tickets are available at all SISTIC channels (

Saturday 11 February 2017

Join PSG Form

The new PSG's parent contact form is now online. Please go to the following link to join or update your details.  


Further, we have also added a new email address.

Our new email address:

Saturday 4 February 2017

Books Collection & Give-Away

Hi Parents,

To encourage our children to develop the love of reading,  NTSS is organizing an event to let students own their favorite book/s. The school will give away some of the library's books to students who are interested in them.
As there are limitation to what the school can give, the school hopes that parents can donate more books so that more students can benefit from this event.
If you have books that you would like to give away, 

Please contact any of our PSG EXCO.

The event will be held on 28 Feb during recess @ the canteen.
We will need a few Parent Volunteers for this event. 

Looking forward to your participation! Thank you.

CNY 'Lo Hei' & 1st PSG Meeting for 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all that are participating.
Members who have yet to, can do so via Whatsapp so that the necessary arrangements can be done.

Date: 7th February 2017
Time: 0645 pm
Venue: NTSS School Library

7.00 pm -  Lo Hei & Dinner.
7.30 pm - Principal's Address and Announcement.
7.35 pm - Presentation by Year Heads on up-coming activities.
7.45 pm - PSG Meeting.

We look forward to meeting you.


As parents, we have a stake in our children’s development. All parents would like to see their children grow up to be well-rounded and responsible youths. The NTSS Parent Support Group believes that by working closely with our child’s educators, we can help them to stretch their talent and realize their full potential. 

As a partner of the School, we should undertake initiatives and provide support to the School. This will benefit the students and foster strong ties and cohesiveness within the school community.

Our revamped mission:
  • To forge a positive collaboration among parents and the school through interaction and organization of activities that is mutually beneficial.
  • Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer, share or contribute their knowledge and time to the school for the benefit of our children.
  • Provide opportunities for parents to network and support each other.