Tuesday 21 March 2017

Parenting Seminar 2017

Seats Are Limited, Register Now to Avoid Disappointment!

Guest of Honour: Ms Low Yen Ling
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry Of Education
& Ministry of Trade and Industry

The seminar will focus on Parenting Skills in the 21st Century as well as to help our Children to develop an Active Interest in Learning and Appreciating the Chinese Language.

我们的孩子在未来的 10 年、2 0 年,将面对颠覆性科技的冲击,非常肯定的,他们在学习上、生活上、职场上,必须接受种种的挑战。身为家长、老师的我们,是不是应该在适当的时候,放手让孩子去探索新知,去提升创造能力 ?


日期 Date: 15 April 2017, Saturday [ 2 0 1 7 年 4 月 1 5 日(星期六) ]
地点 Venue: HDB Hub Convention Centre [ 大巴窑建屋发展局总部会议心 ]
时间 Time: 8.00am to 1.00pm [ 上午 8 时至中午 1 时正 ]
截止日期 Closing Date: 10 April 2017, Monday [ 2 0 1 7 年 4 月 1 0 日(星期一) ]
收费 Fee: Early Bird Fee (From 1 March to 26 March 2017)
S$25 (single) S$40 (per couple)

3 月 1 日至 3 月 2 6 日(优惠期)单人:新币 25 元 夫妇:新币 40 元
Standard Fee (From 27 March to 10 April 2017)
S$50 (single) S$80 (per couple)
3 月 2 7 日至 4 月 1 0 日
单人:新币 50 元 夫妇:新币 80 元
All fees are subject to 7% GST 所有收费需另付 7%的消费税
                      其他信息   Registration is on a first-come-first served basis. No refunds          Other Information: will be made for cancellations or in the case of absentees.
The Organisers accept replacements for registered
               participants who are unable to attend for whatever reasons.


Come & Learn from the Experts during the Seminar!

Dr Soh Kay Cheng
Ms Diana Ser
Dr Rau Meng-Shye
(Speaking in English)
(Speaking in English)
(Speaking in Mandarin)
我国知名媒体人 / 主持人谈
学家谈  如何帮助
“ 如何在家里营造一个学习
华文华语的环境 ”

“ 活力家庭 成功

人生 ”

出于同情而帮助蝶蛹破茧的人,其实不明白蝶蛹得历经艰辛,才能变得强壮 … … 同样的,我们是否也因为出于好意,急于保护学生(孩子)免于遭受失败和挫折,而导致他们失去学习和建立韧性的机会?


“The man, out of kindness and eagerness to help, had not understood the hard work that the butterfly had to go through to strengthen itself. But by intervening to help, he actually prevented Nature’s way of strengthening the butterfly and its wings.

In a similar way, are we, out of our best intentions, preventing our students from going through setbacks and failures and in the process, learn and build resilience?”

Mr Ng Chee Meng, Minister for Education (Schools)


Jointly Organized by
For more information, please contact: Mr Tay at 96641400 (询问电话)

Wednesday 15 March 2017

2nd PSG Meeting

Details for the 2nd PSG Meeting are follows:

Date: 30 March 2017
Time: 0630pm - 0830pm
Venue: School Library

0630pm - Registration.
0700pm - Briefing by HOD PE/CCA (CCA LEAPS Grading System).
0720pm -  HOD Student Welfare (Counselling and Enrichment Programme).
0740pm - PSG meeting on upcoming activities and events.
0830pm - AOB.

Attire : Casual & Office Attire. No shorts or slippers

Light refreshments will be served.

If you are interested to attend, kindly Click here

Thursday 9 March 2017

Education & Career Guidance Fair 2017

Parents / PSG, especially those of students at the key education stages Sec 2, ‘N’ and ‘O’ Levels are encourage to sign up. We can have up to 10 or more parents signing up based on a first come first served basis. 

See information below for more details about the Fair.

The upcoming ECG Fair III will be on 24th and 25th March 2017. The ECG Fair III, centred on Early Childhood Care and Education, and Power Engineering sectors, aims to bring the world of work through selected industry sectors and related education and career pathways to the Secondary 2 students. 

Parents of all levels are invited to join the half-day session on the 25th March 2017 to find out how they can play a key role in guiding their children, across all levels, to make informed decisions for their education and career pathways.

The registration for the Parent Engagement Session is open!

Highlights of the Parent Engagement Session:
·         Have a chat with our ECG Counsellors to find out how they can discover and develop their children’s strengths and interests.
·         Browse exhibition booths to discover the education and career options available in Early Childhood Care and Education, and Power Engineering sectors.
·         Interact with our partners from education institutions and industry sectors to understand the relevant education and career pathways.

Wednesday 1 March 2017