Tuesday 4 July 2017

Term 3 / 4 Night Study Programme 2017

Term 3 / 4  Night Study Programme 2017

The Night Study Programme is an initiative adopted by many secondary schools to provide a conducive environment for the Secondary 4 & 5 students to stay back in school for self studies and prepare for their O &N level exams.

This year's study nights will be between 10/7/2017 to 12/10/2017 (week days).

Venue : NTSS library
Time: 0530pm to 0730pm.

We will require 2 parents to volunteer as guardians each night.

We encourage parents to support this programme.  We will appreciate it very much even if it's for 1 session.

Please Sign Up here or you may wish to call Dr Andrea @ 985334307
or Miss Kelly 98263460 for more info.

Support the graduating cohort !

Have a great week ahead!

Racial Harmony Day 2017
Theme: The Singapore Way

Date: 18 July 2017
Time: 0745 am - 1200 pm
Venue: School Canteen

Come Join Us!

Ethnic Dress up

Since the theme is "The Singapore Way" , we will also encourage our members to come dress in ethnic costume of other races. Students, teachers and school staff  will be encouraged to participate as well.

Reminise Pasar Malam Games & Tit-bits of Yester Years

Color Match
MatchBall RollTikam Tikam
      Traditional pasar malam games such as "Bottle & Ring Throw", "Ping Pong Tic Tac Toe" "Tikam Tikam" & many others will be showcased this year to make the event interesting.   

"Ma Ma" stall:

Assorted tit-bits of Yester Years will be given to students as prizes for the games
 they participate in.                


  BISCUIT aka ‘piah’                *BITES aka ‘kacang & keropok’   

 *BEVERAGES aka pok zui’ 

                                                            * BONBONS aka ‘tng kia’    

*BAUBLE aka ‘masak masak’  

                                                               *PRESERVES aka ‘kiam sng tee

Parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer & participate in this event. Please register your interest in your level Whatapps group!
Thank you!