Wednesday 13 September 2017



The Caring Teacher Awards (CTA) are aimed at acknowledging and rewarding those teachers in our schools who show care

 and concern for the holistic development of their students and go the extra mile to ensure their charges grow up to be confident and independent learners.

One teacher each from a primary school, a secondary school and a junior college/centralised institute will be honoured at the CTA 2018 award ceremony.

Nominees for the awards should fulfill the following criteria:

(a)Be a full-time teacher in a primary school, a secondary school or junior college/centralised institute in Singapore;

(b)Possess at least three years of teaching experience in Singapore; and

(c)Demonstrate exemplary character, initiative, integrity, altruism and a proven record of service to their schools and students.

While demonstration of good teaching practices and the ability to deliver excellent examination results are part of the selection criteria, the emphasis of the awards is on the humanistic qualities of the teaching profession.

Members of the public including students, parents, teachers and principals are invited to submit their nominations. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed for the final selection of the National-Level Winners.

Please Download the Nomination form HERE. Complete & return to General office by 13 Oct 2017.

Thank you!

The CTA is organised by the National Institute of Education, Singapore, in partnership with ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, with the support of the Ministry of Education.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Education & Career Guidance Fair 2017

Dear Parents,

To complement existing efforts in education and career guidance (ECG), ECG Fairs are organised in collaboration with industry partners and post-secondary education institutes (PSEIs) to bring the world of work to students and teachers. This is in line with continual efforts to empower students to make informed education and career choices in school and beyond graduation, as part of the national SkillsFuture movement.

At the ECG Fair, students and teachers can explore education and career pathways in Singapore’s key growth sectors through exhibitions and activities conducted by industry experts and the PSEIs.
This is a great opportunity for parents to attend. You may click the link below for more information and registration .

The registration webpage link is:

Once you come to the webpage, scroll down and click “Reserve your tickets” below. You can just key in the no. of pax going from there onwards.

Also, do note the date for Parents to attend is on 16 Sept (Saturday morning), not 15 Sept. The 15 Sept event is for Sec 2 students going with their schools.